Saturday, February 6, 2016

Jobs Remain Strong and Interest Remain Low Don & Gino share the charts

Strong Jobs and low rates are the perfect time to take action and buy a home today. Don & Gino share the reports that support what they have been saying. Stay in the know by texting NREC to "58885" or subscribe to your email by going to

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Robert Schwartz talks about the in's and out's of financing your child's college expense

Robert Schwartz, Premier College Guidance,,, 818-359-3779.
Let Premier College Guidance walk you through the application process and layout all the financial assistance options available. Premier College Guidance helps you break down all the costs to expect during your child's college career. Know what it will really take to complete their education financially. Call Rob today 818-359-3779, the vault, skyline home loans 27441 Tourney Rd # 100 Valencia, CA 91355, National Real Estate cafe,, text: NRECafe5885, , purchase, refinance, home loans, mortgage loans, financial, The Don and Gino Radio Show, Don Goettling & Gino Fronti, 855-donandgino, (855-366-4466 ) Seg.4